Tuesday, February 22, 2011



  1. Overall Appearance:
    Overall I think that the blog is aesthetically pleasing and the use of one color scheme throughout the whole blog looks good and makes the blog easy to read and follow.

    Accuracy of Drawing:
    According to what we learned in class, the drawing would be incorrect. H2O2 would have no central atom, thus would be the species AX, linear. However, sources on the internet show the molecule as skew, not linear, however the drawing would still be inaccurate because the hydrogens would come off the oxygens on opposite sides.

    This molecule would be non-polar because it is linear, and the distribution of the charges would be even throughout the molecule, positive on the hydrogen ends and more negative with the oxygens in the middle. Again, however, sources on the internet contradict class teachings, saying that because the geometry of the molecule is actually skewed, the distribution would become uneven, making the molecule polar.

    Intermolecular Forces:
    If the molecule is indeed polar, then the intermolecular forces would be correctly identified, however, if it is non-polar, obviously only London Dispersion Forces would be present. Nonetheless, the forces are correctly explained.

    I felt that the ad was convincing and did promote the H2O2 molecule well. I like how it appealed to families by saying it not only kept the house clean, but was also cost effective.

  2. 1. The overall appearance of your blog is exceptionally appealing. The background color is very vibrant and draws the readers attention, making them want to read more. The font is nice because is is very clear but looks like hand writing. The only criticism on appearance I have would be to increase text size a little bit.
    2. The drawing of the molecule is accurate and angles are clear.
    3. The polarity is correct when you say that it is polar.
    4. You are correct when you state that hydrogen peroxide has london force, dipole-dipole, and hydrogen bonding. I think that it was also a good idea to add the definition and explanation for each intermolecular force.
    5. Your ad is very good. The color scheme backs up what the product can be used for, cleaning. The only thing I would ad is the name of the substance.
    Exceptional job Erica! Good project.

  3. Your add is very convincing. I like how you used the picture of a baby to show some ways you could use your product. Overall, a very good project!
